Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blog #2 My thoughts about online learning

Now that we are more than halfway done with the facilitating online learning class for the semester, I am finding myself not 100% sold on my ability to teach under this model.  The main concern that I have for the facilitation of these courses is the time that it would take.  The course that I have been considering moving to an online model is a one-credit, semester-long course.  I am trying to keep in mind that this is a graduate course for three credits in a condensed time frame.  Since I advise students full-time, I do not have a tremendous amount of time, especially during the day, to be online and active in the online forums.  I am gaining a greater appreciation for the role of the facilitator and understand the need to be constantly caught up on the online course. 

While I do have my concerns about the time that needs to be dedicated facilitating online courses, I absolutely see the value of this type of learning.  I definitely feel engaged and accountable to keep up with the assignments and reading.  I could see how this value would translate into the course I teach. 

I am looking forward to our culminating assignment, teaching a lesson.  I think this will really give me a feeling of what to expect and be prepared for!

1 comment:

  1. Online teaching does take time, but it certainly gets less time consuming the second and third time around. I personally love the flexibility that online teaching provides me. I often "teach" from home - on my deck where it's quiet and relaxing. I now prefer it to f2f - although a bit of both is the best!
