Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog #3

These reading and modules really helped me to understand more about the different roles that people can play in an online discussion by changing their tone and voice.  I also realized that I do not often change my tone and voice and this may be a detriment to me as I am not reaching outside of my comfort zone.  I can also see how this would very negatively impact me as a facilitator.  One of my major goals while facilitating my module will be to change my tone and voice.

Up until now, I think that most of my posts have followed the social dialog approach.  I often use my own experiences in my discussions.  For instance: "The first two principles of "relate" and "create" are critically important in the development of online courses.  I have taken courses where the instructor was experimenting with the online environment as part of the course and did not develop these two principles.  I found that students were not engaged at all and were "going through the motions" in their postings and contributions."  I think this is useful for other students in the course because it relates theoretical learning to real-life experiences.  However, as a facilitator, my role needs to serve a different purpose and the reflective guide or mediator may become a more appropriate voice. 

1 comment:

  1. It's actually fun to play with the different voices! I don't know about you, but I feel freer to try on these different roles online!
